Always be choosing

We always have the choice to look at a situation, a person, a feeling or a change from more than one point of view. How wide our range of possible options and point of views  depends on how open and free we are inside ourselves or how restricted and constraint we are in unconscious conditionings that do not correspond to our true nature. Connecting with myself and finding out who I am beyond my thoughts and patterns puts me in a healthy and friendly relationship with every situation. How can we arrive there? What are the entry points?

Emotions are energy in motion. They are our guidance tool, to what feels good and what does not, it is our inner compass that give us signs when we are closer or further away from what kindles the joy in our hearts. However, sometimes due to trauma and past experiences, our emotional state is in turbulence and the signals either overwhelms us or is shut down. We need to re-establish the state of balance into our emotional body and make peace with all our emotions to live an expansive meaningful life!

The emotion code - releasing trapped emotions, Emotional Freedom Techniques

Perception becomes reality, and our outer world reflects our inner world. Our inner world is constructed on beliefs patterns. Beliefs are nothing more than our predominant reoccurring thoughts. To take responsibility, we need to look at the structure and patterns we have, deconstruct them, create space and choose consciously the new thought patterns that can guide our new reality. 

Beliefs inventory, “stories we tell”, “words we use” exploration, affirmations, visualisation, seedling, CBT, journaling, ho’no pono pono, light feather, practicing a new story line etc

Health: Physical and mental wellbeing is our riches in this world. Feeling vibrant, healthy, and alive is our goal. We need to be attuned to the body, its needs, and its signals. 

Our bodies are our tools of communication with the world. How we move, how we talk, how we stand, it all affects our states of being and eventually our state of having! 

By taking care of our bodies, by cleaning and clearing our energy systems, we create a natural opportunity to grow, expand and enjoy life. 

We can be conscious creators, conscious eaters, conscious sleepers, and conscious breathers. 

- learn how to breathe consciously and deeply. 
- relearn what nourishes our bodies and avoid what depletes our body and sap our energies. 
- keep your body in flow and momentum by conscious movement and embodiment. 

Breathing exercises, yoga, intermittent fasting, white sugar substitution program, meditation

Words: sound is vibration that changes everything around you, words have resonance, whatever you bring out in the world, it affects your whole reality, here we will learn to slow down and examine the words we use, and we will start speaking using new empowering language.

Non-violent communication and self-inquiry, conscious substitution - words of low resonance to high resonance, conscious boundaries to the words we use, to other people’s words, to other people’s words

Balancing the emotional state

Emotions are energy in motion. They are our guidance tool, to what feels good and what does not, it is our inner compass that give us signs when we are closer or further away from what kindles the joy in our hearts. However, sometimes due to trauma and past experiences, our emotional state is in turbulence and the signals either overwhelms us or is shut down. We need to re-establish the state of balance into our emotional body and make peace with all our emotions to live an expansive meaningful life!

The emotion code - releasing trapped emotions, Emotional Freedom Techniques

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Reconstructing the belief system

Perception becomes reality, and our outer world reflects our inner world. Our inner world is constructed on beliefs patterns. Beliefs are nothing more than our predominant reoccurring thoughts. To take responsibility, we need to look at the structure and patterns we have, deconstruct them, create space and choose consciously the new thought patterns that can guide our new reality. 

Beliefs inventory, “stories we tell”, “words we use” exploration, affirmations, visualisation, seedling, CBT, journaling, ho’no pono pono, light feather, practicing a new story line etc

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Restoring Health and wellbeing

Health: Physical and mental wellbeing is our riches in this world. Feeling vibrant, healthy, and alive is our goal. We need to be attuned to the body, its needs, and its signals.  Our bodies are our tools of communication with the world. How we move, how we talk, how we stand, it all affects our states of being and eventually our state of having!  By taking care of our bodies, by cleaning and clearing our energy systems, we create a natural opportunity to grow, expand and enjoy life. 

We can be conscious creators, conscious eaters, conscious sleepers, and conscious breathers. 
- learn how to breathe consciously and deeply. 
- relearn what nourishes our bodies and avoid what depletes our body and sap our energies. 
- keep your body in flow and momentum by conscious movement and embodiment. 

Breathing exercises, yoga, intermittent fasting, white sugar substitution program, meditation

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Awareness to words, body language and the environment

Words: sound is vibration that changes everything around you, words have resonance, whatever you bring out in the world, it affects your whole reality, here we will learn to slow down and examine the words we use, and we will start speaking using new empowering language.

Non-violent communication and self-inquiry, conscious substitution -words of low resonance to high resonance, conscious boundaries to the words we use, to other people’s words, to other people’s words

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